Sunday, February 05, 2006

Yet Another Hateable Law Student

It seems like every other law student has a blog. Most law students don't detail their love affairs with married men on their blogs, though.

This girl did, however.

Check it out and leave a comment if you like.

At least the bride in the below post felt guilty.

UPDATE: This person has deleted their blog. Good thing, too. After buying an extra cell phone to call her on and having to shower at the gym after sex with her, the last thing this married guy needs to worry about is whether his young mistress is blogging about him.

Yes, I did save her original post, a nutty look into the mind of a mistress

Lawyer Boyfriend

Since he is sure to be a frequent topic and I have nothing to say about the State of the Union since there were no straight up comical moments, just a lot of hot air...let me make a few things about lawyer boyfriend clear.

1) He's 14 years older than me.
2) He's married.
3) I realize this relationship is a one way road to disaster. It's just the sort of thing I thrive/fall apart on.

Here comes the part where readers will judge, and that's OK with me, I judge all the time like it's my job. It should be listed as an interest on my resume. Dating an older guy has it's advantages. Sure people ask me if he's going to bring his cane when we go out (ha ha ha), and yeah, his balls are sagging a little, BUT he worships me. It's a fair trade, I think. He's just enough older to feel lucky to be with a younger woman, he appreciates me for that and I don't mind that it's probably just the side effects of his mid-life crisis (he even drives a convertible, sheesh). He tells me I'm beautiful, he appreciates sex, he spoils me with gifts, he finds me jobs and he keeps my car running.

As for the married part, well, I guess that's a little more complicated. Sometimes I feel guilty. Sometimes I don't. Sometimes I'm jealous. Sometimes I'm grateful. Sometimes I call myself a Gold Digger. Sometimes I imagine a future. Most of the time I just wonder how long it can last.

I get to see him tomorrow night.