Someone recently asked me what it takes to get a link on this blog. The answer is surprisingly simple: Just ask, and link us in return.
I'll admit, we aren't the best linkers. Sometimes someone emails us their blog, with a link request, and I have all the intentions in the world to update our blogroll. But I forget, and their link is never added. But this week, since I'm bored, I decided to do a link cattle call.
If you have a blog and would like a link on ours, just shoot over an email and let me know. Don't be shy. I know there are lots of blogs out there who have linked us for a long time, so it's the least I can do. And don't take the lack of a link to your blog as some sort of insult; it's just laziness. So good or bad, we'll link you if you ask. So send me an email at and I'll take care of it.
Update: Keep them coming. If you don't see your link on the side (or any link) it's because is having issues, but don't worry, it's getting fixed.