Friday, July 14, 2006


...what is up with #16 on your how not to be a douchebag post? What’s wrong with wearing fraternity clothes in law school? This is just some bullshit anti-Greek hysteria. You were probably that guy in college who didn’t join a frat and spent the whole time jealous that they were having more fun than you.

Dude, actually, I was in a frat. That’s where Russ and I met. It was a blast; all of my best friends are from my fraternity and I wouldn’t trade that experience for the world. I think people who don’t go Greek are missing out on a great opportunity. However, when I left college, I left my fraternity days behind me. I gave away almost all of my shirts to other guys in the house. I stopped tying my identity to some Greek letters. I know what you’re going to say: “But if you have an interview with another person from your fraternity, you’re way ahead of the other candidates.” Yeah, I know that. It’s on my resume (in small letters). If anyone actually cares that I made a choice to have a social life when I was 18, and wants to give me a job because of it, all the better.

As for wearing your fraternity clothes when you’re in law school, I suppose there is one acceptable situation: Hangover wear. If you are out drinking one night, wake up and decide to go to class for some reason, it’s acceptable to throw on a fraternity shirt along with your warm-up pants or jeans. However, rules still apply: The shirt cannot be tucked in. A tucked in shirt shows intent to look stylish, and you simply cannot look stylish in a fraternity shirt if you are no longer in college. Hooded sweatshirts can only be worn when your day of classes starts earlier than 10am. And fraternity hats should not be worn under any circumstance, unless you are going bald and want to hide your shame.

Wearing Greek shirts in law school is the equivalent of wearing high school letter jackets in college. If you do it, people will notice and you are “that guy”. Besides, wearing Greek letters in law school doesn’t make much sense. Why announce to the world you are an elitist in an institution full of them?