Friday, May 13, 2005

People You Meet During Exams #5: 3Lian Gonzalez.

In the year 2000, our hearts and minds were captured by an innocent young Cuban boy who wanted nothing more than freedom. We were captured by his youthful enthusiasm, unaware that around the corner waited a midnight raid and a return to his oppressive homeland. In our very own law classrooms, a similar creature exists. The graduating 3L, with all his youthful exuberance of freedom from this oppressive island, bounces around without a care in the world, gleefully unaware of the horrors that await him: The real world.

Elian Gonzalez: "Aye yay yay! Mi mama es muerto!"
3Lian Gonzalez: "Aye yay yay! There's nothing I could do to change my GPA, even if I wanted to."

Elian Gonzalez: His "uncle" took him to Disneyworld so he could experience America.
3Lian Gonzalez: Went to the bar the night before the exam.

Elian Gonzalez: Didn't bother to learn English while he was hear because it was a worthless skill in grim, Spanish-speaking Cuba.
3Lian Gonzalez: Didn't bother to learn agency law before the test because it was a worthless skill in the grim, anti-trust litigation department of the law firm he will work for next year.

3Lian Gonzalez is truly a delight to have in the classroom. He reminds us that this long strange voyage is soon to end and, even better, that you really don't have to do anything at the end of it.