(Outside Grandma's House)
Mom: Don't tell Grandma you aren't taking the bar, at least not yet.
Me: Sure thing.
(At dinner)
Grandma: So Michael, what kind of degree did you receive?
Me: It's a JD, Grandma.
Great Aunt: What does that stand for?
Me: Juris Doctorate, I believe.
Grandma: So you're a doctor now?
Me: No...Well, techincally, I suppose, but no lawyer ever could get away with calling himself "doctor".
Grandma: Well why not?
Me: I guess it would devalue the whole meaning of "doctor". Most anyone who has gone to law school will tell you that it's kind of a joke.
Grandma: Oh, it can't be a joke.
Me: Well, maybe not a joke, but certainly not worthy of being called a doctor afterwards.
Great Aunt: What is an esquire?
Me: I think it's an actual lawyer.
Grandma: Like you!
Me: Well, not exactly. I would have to pass the bar first.
Grandma: When do you take the bar?
Me: Uh...well...
Mom: Who wants cake!?