From a reader:
If your blog reflects the mentality of today's law students, the future of the rule of law in this society is in serious trouble. I do not see how such a level of self-absorbtion and infatuation with popular culture will ever lead to lawyers who care enough about their country to lift a finger to preserve our rapidly disintigrating Constitutional framework.
Grow up, look at what's happening, and stop fiddling while our Constitution burns.
And my response:
If your email reflects the mentality of today's practicing attorneys, then it should come as no surprise that today's law students are uninterested in the future of the rule of law. I do not see how such a level of self-importance and infatuation with one's own intellectualism will ever lead to people respecting lawyers or the general meaningless work that they do.
Calm down, get over yourself, and stop judging other people's values.