Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Recent Exchange

Mike: This sounds weird, but I kind of want to get a C in at least one class this semester, because I seriously haven't done shit. I haven't ever read for Crim Pro, I haven't even been to Securities Regulations since late January, and I stopped reading for Advanced Crim around Valentine's Day. The only class I read for with any regularity is Entertainment Law. If I can skate by with B's or better again, then something is seriously wrong with the system.

Russ: You should issue a challenge to the law school, like a villain in James Bond, stroking a cat in a leather chair and clucking, "That's right Dean Bond. In one of these scantron's are the answers of a student who has not read one page. Can you find it? Or will you give me another B and prove the futility of your career. Muhahaha."