Tuesday, April 18, 2006

My day spent doing the final assignment for my Family Law Seminar, by the numbers:

9:30- The time of my first and only class of the day.

10:05- The time I actually woke up.

5- Minutes spent reading the assignment

15- Minutes spent trying to figure out exactly what a “Separation Agreement” is

2- Seconds I was close to freaking out before I realized I have a sample separation agreement to work from

10- Minutes between realizing that I have a sample to work from and when I told myself I was going to start

90- Minutes between realizing that I have a sample to work from and when I actually started

0- Times I considered crawling into a study hole and deleting the entire blog until I came out

30- Milligrams of Adderall I had to take in order to motivate myself to start

3- Times I got up to play with my dog's jowls

50- Times my girlfriend IMed me and asked how it was going

49- Times I replied "fine"

1- Time I replied "just finished"

.5- Seconds between that reply and my phone ringing

3.79- Cost of the Hershey’s Syrup I purchased after decided, in the middle of a sentence, that I wanted chocolate milk and I wanted it right then and there

5.5- Total time, in hours, spent on the paper

2.5- Time, in hours, I spent copying boilerplate language from the sample to my agreement

4,262- Number of words in my completed separation agreement

500- Estimated number of original words in my completed separation agreement

6- People who IMed me and asked if I planned on posting anything today. Happy?