Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Despite the fact that I have explained it on several occasions, people still ask us why we don't allow comments on our blog. Back in July, I wanted to get rid of them completely but Russ wanted to keep them. I sent Russ the following email, which convinced him to eliminate comments once and for all:


Comments on a blog are sort of like a laugh track on a tv show. It makes the audience think they are part of the show. Pretty soon, people start using the comments like a message board, to say anything that somes to mind, no matter how boring, unnecessary, or how much they miss the point. You said you like getting the feedback; I don't, because I don't care what they think, nor do I want to know what they think. You said something to me once that sort of sums up my feelings towards our blog: "I'm like a guy with a three inch dick at an orgy. I'm only here to please myself." Russ, you were eloquent as always.
