Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Recent IM

I just woke up to let my dog out when I found this IM someone left for me:

Anonymous Reader: Hey guys, a few friends and I dig your blog (some of those friends are chicks) but your slacking is suspect at best. Why are you up so early posting in your blog? We think you get up early to read before class.

I'm not sure why, but this really offended me when my slacking was called into question. You can call me many things, but you will not call me one of those people who puts any effort into law school. It is laughable. Only law students would pay attention to such things as the time that we make our posts. If it really matters, our time clock thing is set to Pacific time, despite the fact that we live in the east. I could change it, I guess, but I'm just that lazy. How's that for slacking, retard?