Thursday, November 10, 2005

Townhall Tirade

My State and Local Government class requires that we log in a few hours at a local city council, county board, state legislature meeting. So, being near the end of the semester, everyone is scrambling to do it now. Classmates are sending out mass emails alerting us to the extremely boring opportunities of watch a zoning commission or wetland reclamation meeting.

Being a joker I sent out my own mass email.

Anyone want to join me? I'll be going to a city council meeting in a small town called Beaumont outside of (city I live in). They don't allow dancing in that town yet a senior transfer student is petitioning to allow a prom. I've been his lobbyist. I've advised him to quote Psalm 95 and, failing that, to kick off his sunday shoes.

And, yes, someone did think this was real.