Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Bad Day

My school's parking lot is across the street from the building, and is separated from the street by a small grassy hill. Instead of walking around to the sidewalk, most people cut over this hill on their way to and from the parking lot.

It rained hard last night and was still drizzling this morning. The ground was quite wet and the path worn by people walking on the hill was muddy. I walked around today, not wanting to risk getting muddy. However, not everybody saw the risks that I did. One poor chump, in a hurry, decided to brave the muddy little hill in his dress pants and oxfords. As he started to make the descent, his feet gave out and he did a huge ass plant right in the wet grass. He quickly stood up, surveyed the damage (a huge wet muddy spot on his ass and lower back), and shockingly, continued on into school.

Now, I know that law school is the end all be all of some people's existence, but Jesus Christ pal, if there was ever a good reason to go home and just call it a day, you had it.