It had to happen some time. At long last, my Cal Ripken-esque streak has ended. In retrospect, I can't believe it lasted this long. The last time it happened was Contracts, November of my first year. Sure, there were some near misses...My streak almost ended less than a year after it started, in Con Law II, but I was absent that day. A constant seat in the back row, a spotty attendance record and some good old fashioned luck played a big part too. But today, it, like all good things, came to an end.
I am talking, of course, about my long streak of not being asked to explain a case in class.
Sure, I have been called on a few times during the streak, to give a one word answer or asked for my thoughts on a topic, and I can always fake my way through that. And yes, earlier this year I volunteered to explain a case (which I hadn't actually read, by the way) in a class when the professor said that anyone who volunteered would be immune for the rest of the semester. But for what amounts to two full years of law school, I was never put on the spot to explain a case that was assigned for the benefit of the class. Until today.
I was in Evidence, one of the few 3Ls in that class who neglected to take it last year. I sit in the way, way back row with some fellow 3Ls, who were all absent. I was slouched way down in my chair, with my Rules book open, but I wasn't paying attention because I was looking out the window. The professor instructed us to open our case books to the assigned reading, which I hadn't bothered doing. Then, walking the aisle, she pointed at me and asked me to explain the case to the class. I opened my book to the case and looked at it for a second. The professor asked a question about the case...I hesitated, and then said, "I'm not sure". The professor asked why not, and I responded "Well, because I haven't read it." Slightly peeved but sensing my 3L apathy, the professor asked a perky and well-prepared 2L who was sitting in front of me. I closed my case book and went back to staring out the window.
Tommorrow I am going to show up unprepared again and ready to start another streak.