Sunday, November 06, 2005

Email from a reader...

...about my rant on attendance policies.

dude, chill about the attendance policy...... it seems to me that there are more important things to bitch about in law school besides a petty, nearly meaningless attendance policy.... just suck it up and go to class

my law school has a policy, and it is nearly universally accepted, rarely complained about, by the student body....

the student handbook, to go with a bit of legal lingo here, should (perhaps does, in a sense) revolve around the 'reasonable law student' idea..... ideally, every student should to nearly every class, except when sick or due to an emergency situation.... slackers (cough, cough) shouldn't dictate school policy for everyone......

A ridiculous email requires a ridiculous response:

Dude, shut the fuck up. I'll complain about whatever I want to. And I cannot think of anything more important to complain about than the attendance policy. It's my dime, I should be able to spend it as I want. Lots of schools have no policy whatsoever and they do just fine.

The problem with lots of lawyers and law students is that they are just conformists who don't question what authority tells them. I really hate people like that, which is why I don't fit in at law school. Who gives a fuck if I show up for class? If they are going to base the entire grade on my performance on one exam, then who cares what I do leading up to that exam? You lose a lot of free will by accepting such a policy as status quo.

A great man once said, 'There are those who look at things the way they are and ask why...I dream of things that never were and ask why not?'

Did I just compare myself to Robert F. Kennedy? Yes I did.