Saturday, November 05, 2005

The 'Best Of' Barely Legal Blog

We have accumulated a lot of posts since we started this blog in March, and we get lots of new readers every day. For their benefit, and for our long-time readers who might want to take a trip down memory lane, Russ and I, with the input of some devoted readers, have complied a list of our favorite posts from before this school year started. So without further ado, here ya go:

The Jean Shorts Guy- Of all the 'People You Meet' profiles we did, this is our favorite, probably because it makes fun of such a ridiculous person. We both agreed that this is our favorite post of all the ones on the blog.

Law School vs. Med School, Law School vs. Barber College, Law School vs. High School- We did this little series comparing the finer points of law school to some rival education institutions. Back when we had comments, we had some law school defenders take these seriously and try to find flaws in our comparisons. And you wonder why we no longer have comments...

Online Law Schools- This post pokes a little fun at the emerging internet law schools, and wonders if some of the oddities of normal law school seep over.

Adventures in Autism- This is a post that has nothing to do with law school, but chronicles the time when I was a caretaker for an autistic child. Yeah, read that sentence again. Boggles the mind.

Brett From Blafayette- This is a story about of friend of Russ and me, and some good old fashioned red state values.

BigLaw Hiring Partner on Halloween- I realize now that we should have re-posted this on Halloween, but lets face it, we aren't that organized.

Exam Dress, Exam Dress Follow Up- This post was just one born out of my procrastinating even during a final. You'll notice that the follow up again refers back to the days when we accepted comments. I don't miss those days at all...

Interviewing Fun, Personal Injury- These two posts both deal with an ill-fated interview I had with a personal injury firm...I need to work on my interviewing skills, I think.

Best Laid Plans- This is a pretty random story (which we are known to post from time to time) about Russ learning a cruel lesson during puberty.

Sometimes Cheating Pays- This is a pretty random story about me learning a cruel lesson when I was still a child.

The Canary- Of all the 'people you meet' posts we did, we got the most feedback about this one, oddly enough. But considering what type of law student that comprises the target audience of this blog, perhaps I shouldn't be surprised.

Foot in Mouth Disease Strikes Again- I can't even imagine what the reaction to this post would have been had we still had comments when it was posted. If I have learned anything, it's that some of our readers love them some Jesus.

The Rising 3L's Dilemma- I haven't seen this girl since our first fateful meeting. I really wonder how she is doing at times, but you can't say she wasn't warned.

The Blossoming of a Law Student- In this post, Russ talks about his inspiration for becoming a lawyer. It might sound tongue-in-cheek, but I believe that Russ was 100% serious in this post.

There is Wisdom in his Foolishness- Finally, this is a post I made about an encounter with a high school classmate a while back. The closer I get to graduating law school, the more I envy him.

There you have it, Russ and my favorite posts. Obviously there are a lot more we could have picked, but whatever, we are lazy, and besides, it wouldn't make much sense to link all the posts we have perviously done, would it?