But before I do, I should clear a few things up: First, I am straight. I love sports. I hate reality shows and I don't care about celebrities. I think the Bachelor/Bachelorette is the worst show ever invented. All that being said, here is my confession: My favorite show on television is The O.C.
I absolutely love it.
I can't get enough of it.
I have Tivo'ed the first two episodes of this season and plan on watching them this weekend. I would love nothing more than to have a group of girls to get together and watch it with every Thursday. However, finding that group is more difficult than you would think. Alas, I am doomed to watch them alone.
So if you know me, and this information is new to you and your would like to invite me to you O.C. party, I would gladly accept.
(Note: I also love Laguna Beach: The Real OC...what the hell is the matter with me?)