(Setting: My brain, during my 9:30 class this morning.)
Superego: Hey Ego, we need to go buy our books. We already missed the first two days of classes, it's time to get on the ball here.
Id: Shutup, Superego. There is no rush to buy the books. It isn't as if we are going to go home and read them anyway. When class is over, we are going to get up, walk out the door, drive home, and take a nap. End of story.
Ego: Will you two be quiet please? I am sick of you guys fighting all the time. Yes, we do need to get books, but Id is right, I don't think we are going to read anything today, or tommorrow for that matter.
Superego: Nevertheless, we should go get them now. The bookstore is right downstairs, and there won't be very many people there this early, so we won't have to stand in line. Lets just go buy them now and we'll have them for whenever we are ready to start reading. It'll take 10 minutes, and then we can go take a nap, like Id wants. And we'll all be happy.
Id: Shutup, you pussy. Those are 10 minutes I will never get back. Buying books sucks. Plus, don't forget, we will have to carry those books out to the car. Law school books are heavy. Didn't we learn that our first year, when the bag broke on the way out to the parking lot? Look, lets just go home, take a nap, wake up and eat lunch, and figure out the books some other time.
Superego: That's your problem, Id. You always want to put stuff like this off, but eventually, we have to do it. This is a microcosm for the entire law school experience. We procrastinate for the entire semester, and then we have to buckle down and cram when it comes time to take the exams. And even then, you bitch about having to study so much. Do you know what kind of grades we could be getting if we just applied ourselves a little bit?
Ego: Superego is right. If we just do this now, it will be done. Then we can do whatever we want until we decide it is time to get to work. But it will just be easier to get this done now and not have to worry about it.
Id: I'm not worried about it.
Ego: Obviously. But Superego is, and you can't have your way all the time. You just had two weeks where we did everything you wanted to. It's time to get back in the swing of things, as far as school goes. We are going to go buy books after class.
Superego: Finally...
Id: Fuck...
(15 Minutes later)
Id: Hey, I just had an idea. What if we order our books online? We go home, get on the bookstore webpage, pick what we want to buy, and have them shipped to us. They'll get here in a few days, which is no problem since we aren't going to be reading over the next week anyway. Plus, no heavy lifting. We'll let the UPS guy do that. The only difference is about $15 for shipping, which we can afford. Come on, this way we are all happy.
Superego: That is $15 we could do something better with. This is such a stupid idea, lets just buy them here and be done with it.
Ego: I like Id's plan. It's a good compromise. You get what you want, in that the books will be here soon, and he gets what he wants, in going home now and being lazy. It's settled, we'll order them online.
Id: Yesssss....In your face, Superego!
Superego: (muttering) I am really getting sick of that little bitch....